Monthly Archives: November 2022
Wednesday November 2, 2022
Thursday November 3, 2022
Friday November 4, 2022
Lynn's Comments: Another bit of info to suggest that Gordon will go into the automotive business. At the time, I never planned on his eventual success, but deep down inside, I wanted the "underdog" to win!
Saturday November 5, 2022
Lynn's Comments: For this illustration, I used a really good die-cast model, which showed the underbody of the car. I used realistic models—of all kinds—all the time, and I encourage cartoonists and other graphic artists to buy them whenever they have the good fortune to find them.
Sunday November 6, 2022
Lynn's Comments: A neighbour in Lynn Lake used to take in foster children. She had just accepted a little boy who had been left in a backyard. His mother knew that the people who lived there would feed him. She had left him there before. Charlotte asked me if I wanted to see a truly malnourished baby. This little one had an enlarged tummy and all the features of a starving Third World child. She told me he had to have a cookie in each hand before he could go to sleep, and that he constantly hid food in his clothing, so she always had to check the pockets and cuffs of his pants. He hid food in his bedclothes and around the house. He was like a little squirrel: making sure he would have something to eat, making a cache, preparing for winter. With this in mind, I did this drawing...knowing that my own children were lucky to be safe and cared for and fed and loved.
Monday November 7, 2022
Tuesday November 8, 2022
Wednesday November 9, 2022
Lynn's Comments: I see that I missed drawing the sprayer canopy in panel 2. Too late now to correct it. Hmmmm….
Thursday November 10, 2022
Friday November 11, 2022
Saturday November 12, 2022
Lynn's Comments: This is so true. My mother insisted on us having "eating lessons." My brother and I would have to sit at the table with a "Golden Book" under each arm, a yardstick down the backs of our shirts (I’m not kidding!), and she'd show us the proper way to use cutlery. It was crazy, but we learned table manners and can easily spot the folks who didn't!
Sunday November 13, 2022
Monday November 14, 2022
Tuesday November 15, 2022
Wednesday November 16, 2022
Thursday November 17, 2022
Friday November 18, 2022
Saturday November 19, 2022
Sunday November 20, 2022
Lynn's Comments: In order to draw this Sunday strip, I needed to take a series of photographs showing how one's hands are positioned while opening a CD case. I still have these odd polaroid shots!
Monday November 21, 2022
Tuesday November 22, 2022
Wednesday November 23, 2022
Lynn's Comments: "Because elephants have flat feet" was our standard answer when questions became too numerous and too silly. Eventually the kids asked about elephants and why DID they have flat feet? This meant researching elephants...and finding a new quip!