Monthly Archives: April 2023
Sunday April 2, 2023
Lynn's Comments: I get real satisfaction out of hearing my daughter saying these exact words to her daughter. I have to admit, it made me smile. What goes around...
Monday April 3, 2023
Tuesday April 4, 2023
Lynn's Comments: We are all well aware of the fact that growing kids need a lot of sleep. So, why is it that we can't let sleeping kids lie?
...I think jealousy has something to do with it!
Wednesday April 5, 2023
Thursday April 6, 2023
Friday April 7, 2023
Lynn's Comments: We had a sump pump in the basement and I was always afraid it would break down when we needed it. With this in mind, I had a skeptical plumber install a second pump in the same hole. Everyone thought I was being over cautious—until the rains came and the first pump failed. Chalk one up for mom-upmanship!
Saturday April 8, 2023
Sunday April 9, 2023
Lynn's Comments: This was the kind of thing that my dad would say. It drove me crazy...and I loved him for it.
Monday April 10, 2023
Tuesday April 11, 2023
Wednesday April 12, 2023
Thursday April 13, 2023
Friday April 14, 2023
Saturday April 15, 2023
Sunday April 16, 2023
Monday April 17, 2023
Lynn's Comments: Folks at the syndicate told me the American newspaper editors would all change the Canadian spelling of “racquet” to “racket.” Surprisingly, very few did. Maybe it's because "racquet" sounds better.
Tuesday April 18, 2023
Wednesday April 19, 2023
Thursday April 20, 2023
Friday April 21, 2023
Saturday April 22, 2023
Sunday April 23, 2023
Monday April 24, 2023
Tuesday April 25, 2023
Wednesday April 26, 2023
Thursday April 27, 2023
Friday April 28, 2023
Saturday April 29, 2023
Lynn's Comments: In doing this series, I was able to remember some of the crazy spaces my friends rented after graduation. Any habitable space they could afford was like a palace. I stayed in my parents' home when I went to art school and didn't move out until I married. I was just 20. How I wished I'd started with a place of my own.