Monthly Archives: November 2023
Thursday November 2, 2023
Friday November 3, 2023
Saturday November 4, 2023
Lynn's Comments: I never thought I'd appreciate the ease of using email to communicate. I rarely write an actual letter these days, but when I do...I buy one of those expensive blank greeting cards. A real handwritten letter these days is a gift!
Sunday November 5, 2023
Lynn's Comments: I heard about this "trial" on CBC radio. I never tried it on my dog. I liked my towels too much!
Monday November 6, 2023
Tuesday November 7, 2023
Wednesday November 8, 2023
Thursday November 9, 2023
Friday November 10, 2023
Saturday November 11, 2023
Sunday November 12, 2023
Monday November 13, 2023
Tuesday November 14, 2023
Wednesday November 15, 2023
Lynn's Comments: Without planning for the future of these characters, I was setting April up to be a veterinarian; something she became after the strip ended. Yes...they all lived happily ever after—even if it's just in my imagination.
Thursday November 16, 2023
Friday November 17, 2023
Lynn's Comments: My daughter actually did this. Some strips were as easy as looking out the window.
Saturday November 18, 2023
Sunday November 19, 2023
Lynn's Comments: In order to do these strips with some confidence, I went to a breeder and asked if I could see some brand new puppies. They were kind enough to take me to see a new mom with her babies. I was shocked to see how tiny they were. How quickly we forget!
Monday November 20, 2023
Tuesday November 21, 2023
Wednesday November 22, 2023
Thursday November 23, 2023
Friday November 24, 2023
Saturday November 25, 2023
Lynn's Comments: In this drawing, since the characters are sitting and talking in the same spot, I could have copied one drawing and repeated it 4 times. The thing is...I wanted the audience to see into my world as if they were looking through the lens of a camera—and in a movie, that lens is rarely still.
Sunday November 26, 2023
Lynn's Comments: When an Old English Sheepdog gets covered in snow, he is something to see. Most of the snow finds its' way to the fur between his toes and it takes ages to pull it all out. I think my dog took more grooming time than my kids did!
Monday November 27, 2023
Lynn's Comments: In a way, Elly's dilemma about not having gone to university was my mother's story. She always regretted not having had a university education, and by the time we were older and she had the time to do so, she thought it was too late.