Maitre d': Browse The Strips

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Afrikaans Strip:

Sunday May 15, 2022

Lynn's Comments: We have always enjoyed going out to eat as a family. Getting there wasn’t always easy. When the kids were tiny, we would remove them from the restaurant as soon as they started to fuss. One of us would go out and stay in the car with the fuss-budget until there was calm. This meant many interruptions, leaving a meal to get cold, and sitting in a car with an unruly kid. Eventually, we were all able to go out—to any restaurant, anywhere—and know that our kids would not cause a scene or get too out of hand. Whenever we see families with disruptive kids causing everyone in a restaurant to clench their teeth, we know there is a solution to the problem. It takes a walk out to the car and a few minutes of downtime. It works!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1993-05-16
Appearing: , , , , , ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.