box of cookies: Browse The Strips
Friday, May 13, 1983
Wednesday, April 24, 1985
Tuesday, May 2, 1989
Tuesday, July 11, 1989
Wednesday, July 4, 1990
Sunday, November 18, 1990
Saturday, May 4, 1991
Saturday, June 29, 1991
Monday, November 20, 1995
Sunday, April 26, 1998
Thursday, September 17, 1998
Tuesday, April 9, 2002
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Monday, February 5, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, May 11, 2012
Lynn's Comments: Going back to the story of the Nova Scotia magazine and the unpaid bill: We artists are a clan. We stand up for each other. A large, aggressive illustrator I knew was heading home to the east coast to visit his family. I told him about the magazine, which had commissioned an illustration from me and refused to pay because they had used another artist's work. He happened to know the editor of this magazine and promised to see what he could do. A few weeks later, he came to my home with a cheque for fifty dollars--the amount I was owed. I was thrilled. I asked what he had done to convince the editor to pay my bill. He said, "Well, after I reached over, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him across his desk, he thought it might be a good idea to pay up."
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Lynn's Comments: The quote "home bought" came from my childhood. My mom was always making bread and cookies, so for us, the ones that came in a package were a treat. My faves were "Dad's" Oatmeal cookies and "Wonder Bread." Every so often, instead of having homemade cookies, I begged for "home bought!"
Tuesday May 1, 2018
Tuesday July 10, 2018
Wednesday July 3, 2019
Lynn's Comments: A week ago, some dear friends from North Bay came to town and we had a chance for a good long visit. In reminiscing about how long we'd known each other, they reminded me that they had hired my son to mow their lawn one summer. That was his first job! He will be 46 soon. How time flies.
Sunday November 17, 2019
Saturday May 2, 2020
Lynn's Comments: Aunt Fiona is loosely based on someone I know.