cold remedies: Browse The Strips
Monday, January 8, 1990
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Lynn's Comments: Any intimate partnership must pass the "sick" test before it can be called a serious relationship. Cohabitation requires us to accept, endure, and be considerate of our "significant other's" health concerns.
Your partner's audible woe is an opportunity: every sympathetic gesture, every coo of understanding, and every expression of concern that you offer, are bankable brownie points to be redeemed when it's YOUR turn to be sick. And misery, as we all know, loves company!
Monday January 7, 2019
Lynn's Comments: I think I've said before that my mother was the ultimate "home remedy queen". If any of us was under the weather, we'd run for cover knowing--if the illness didn't do us in, her potions, unguents and cures certainly would.
What I find distressing now is the ever increasing and bewildering choices we have to make when trying to find any over-the-counter pain relief. It immediately makes me want to go back to the remedies my mom pulled out of her hat!