cupboard: Browse The Strips
Sunday, September 23, 1979
Friday, September 25, 1981
Thursday, November 3, 1983
Wednesday, November 23, 1983
Sunday, December 4, 1983
Tuesday, March 20, 1984
Friday, August 31, 1984
Tuesday, November 6, 1984
Wednesday, November 7, 1984
Sunday, May 17, 1987
Monday, June 20, 1988
Tuesday, June 21, 1988
Monday, May 6, 1991
Friday, February 18, 1994
Monday, February 28, 1994
Wednesday, March 2, 1994
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lynn's Comments: Kitchens are often designed by people who never cook. Our place up north was one of these and the lack of useful cupboard space resulted in the occasional avalanche. We had a wall oven and the cupboards next to this had to contain stuff that wouldn't melt, shrivel or dry out. Imagine the fun we had separating a wad of emergency candles that had been stored in this heated hollow. Yes, a well designed kitchen is a necessity! And I didn't get one 'til my kids were grown and gone!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Lynn's Comments: Like so many, I would rather buy a can of pumpkin filling or purchase a whole darned ready-made pie, than go to the trouble of making one myself. In reality, I have only once cooked and eaten a pumpkin. In this one true-to-life case, I did cook our Halloween pumpkin and learned a valuable lesson: Never cook a pumpkin you've used as a tastes like *#$%!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Lynn's Comments: In the log home we owned from 1983 until 2003 our laundry was upstairs and out of the way. It was therefore easily ignored until we needed clean clothes. Next to the laundry appliances I had a sewing table, which would eventually become so heaped with mending that the sewing machine disappeared. When I finally grit my teeth and settled into the task of fixing all the defective duds, I would inevitably discover items of kids' clothing that had been there so long, my kids had outgrown them! By putting this scenario into the strip, I absolved myself of guilt and hoped that other busy moms would also forgive themselves and do what I did: pass the stuff on to someone else! I did, however, repair it beforehand!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Lynn's Comments: Sallie's guest did not get away like this, but a reader told me about their hamster's disappearance. It was eventually discovered months later in a nest he had made for himself inside their couch. A rodent is a rodent after all!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Lynn's Comments: When he found himself checking the garbage for butts, he realized what a serious addiction smoking was!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Lynn's Comments: Because I didn't want to juggle a whole team of characters in the dental office, I made Jean both the receptionist and dental assistant. This is impossible! I then added the situation many companies dread: maternity leave.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Lynn's Comments: I don't think I had talked about Jean's private life. Whether she was married or not had never come up, and so this pregnancy was something readers just had to accept. I was still learning how to create a believable and consistent storyline.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Tuesday June 20, 2017
Wednesday June 21, 2017
Monday May 4, 2020
Lynn's Comments: This is the reason I don’t have a cat. Dogs, when they disappear, are somewhere down low. A cat, on the other hand, can be anywhere!