desk: Browse The Strips
Thursday, March 29, 1984
Wednesday, December 3, 1986
Monday, December 15, 1986
Sunday, January 11, 1987
Wednesday, April 12, 1989
Tuesday, November 26, 1991
Friday, April 24, 1992
Friday, February 4, 1994
Wednesday, June 1, 1994
Sunday, January 8, 1995
Tuesday, September 9, 1997
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Monday, April 17, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Lynn's Comments: The other place where a silent candy wrapper is needed is church! Mom never minded the peppermints Dad brought so we kids would stay awake during the sermon... she was embarrassed by the sounds of the wrapper!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Lynn's Comments: The punch line here came from my experience with McMaster University. When I was first hired as a medical artist, everyone was working in temporary facilities as we waited for the new medical centre to be finished. We all had direct contact with the doctors, for whom we were working, and information was easily transferred from the physician to us to the drawing board. Later, when we moved into the new building and the department expanded, supervisors were hired to supervise supervisors, and direct access to the doctors became impossible. Suddenly the artists were trying to get information through a chain of command, which naturally resulted in misunderstandings and mistakes. Going directly to a surgeon to find out exactly how to interpret a procedure was discouraged. What was once a straightforward process became... well,... like trying to take seeds out of a watermelon with rubber gloves on! In frustration, I became the class clown again; a jokester--it was the only way I could survive the assistants who were assistants to assistants!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Lynn's Comments: I went to visit Mike Peters (Mother Goose and Grimm) in Florida. He had a "NordicTrack" in his rec room and it was covered with coats and other clothing. I asked him if he ever used it and he said, "Of course!" and he pointed, theatrically to the elaborate clothes rack it had become. That was the inspiration for this strip.
Wednesday April 11, 2018
Lynn's Comments: I couldn't wait to be 13 for this very reason. I could add the word "teen" to my age. I could also babysit and make some cash. This was the beginning of independence.