glasses: Browse The Strips
Monday, December 12, 1983
Wednesday, May 9, 1984
Monday, February 3, 1986
Thursday, May 29, 1986
Thursday, January 1, 1987
Thursday, October 27, 1988
Saturday, June 9, 1990
Thursday, June 14, 1990
Saturday, August 4, 1990
Wednesday, October 9, 1991
Thursday, January 27, 1994
Sunday, June 18, 2000
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Lynn's Comments: I think I see my school days through "rose coloured glasses." I remember mostly good times, positive times with good friends and good teachers. I tend to forget the teasing, the bullying, and the tears. I've put aside the failures, the fiascos, and the teachers who made me want to quit. I've forgotten all the bad stuff and the sad stuff... and things I did that I wish, if given a chance, I'd do differently. My years in the hallowed halls now seem like the "good old days," and perhaps that's for the best. If I learned anything I guess I learned how to laugh at myself and be happy.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Lynn's Comments: Both my kids loved to go Christmas shopping. They still do! Finding the right thing for the right person is exciting, and in our family, funny gifts are the best. One of the best gifts I remember as a kid was a skipping rope. With cardboard and glue my dad made the longest, thinnest box in the world. He placed the skipping rope in it full-length, then wrapped it and put it under the tree. For the life of me, I couldn't imagine what it was, and when I opened it, I laughed and laughed. The parcel itself was almost better than the gift!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Lynn's Comments: The first panel in this strip was (and is) what I live for: Goofy expressions, exaggerated poses, and lettering that looks the way it sounds.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Lynn's Comments: I've just been talking to a friend about guilt. Seems it hangs on long after the deed has been atoned for and forgotten by everyone else. I will remember a stupid thing I said at a party or something I did during an interview, and I'll clench my teeth--willing the memory to fade. It never goes away. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe it keeps me from doing other stupid things--I wish.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Lynn's Comments: When I first started to do public speaking I was so scared, I was physically ill. But I wanted to learn, so I accepted all kinds of invitations and I did my talks for free. I got to feel confident and decided to ask for an honorarium but I had no idea how much to ask for. I did talks for charity and talks for the price of the airfare and a hotel. Eventually, when I was happy with my presentations, well compensated, and able to enjoy the sight of a huge audience--I didn't want to do it anymore!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Lynn's Comments: Little things stay in your memory, for example, I remember when my mother and dad finally allowed me to drink out of real glass. I felt so grown up. It was as though they were saying, in a significant way, "We trust you."
Monday October 30, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Next to Christmas, Halloween was my favourite celebration. I loved to make costumes and I loved all the treats, tricks and trimmings.
Saturday June 8, 2019
Thursday June 13, 2019
Lynn's Comments: Having Elizabeth wear glasses separated my real life daughter even more from the character in the strip. Glasses gave Elizabeth a new look and something else to worry about! Things like this marked the growth of the characters and the passage of time. In FBorFW, everyone aged and changed.