Halloween candy: Browse The Strips
Sunday, November 1, 1981
Monday, November 1, 1982
Friday, October 31, 1986
Thursday, October 27, 1994
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Lynn's Comments: Heaven was lying on our living room couch, eating and watching TV. With the old wood and coal furnace, our house was always cold and the warm spot on the couch was something my brother and I fought over. Yes, we fought over the warm spot! So, once ensconced on the sofa, I hated to remove myself and lose that precious bit of heat! If Dad was the one to order you off the couch, you might be able to beg a few more moments of repose. An order from Mom, meant immediate compliance. In this strip, John uses the "ferocious" method of kid-removal. I used it, too. When all else fails, we parents often resort to animal behaviour. I stopped at taking them by the scruff of their necks with my teeth, however!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Lynn's Comments: If I recall, my husband the dentist had the sweetest tooth in the family.