knob: Browse The Strips
Sunday, February 19, 1995
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Lynn's Comments: This was a scenario from home. My daughter, Katie, had, at the age of four, learned how to use a screwdriver, and had gone about my mother-in-law's house unscrewing things. Ruth tried to open a kitchen cupboard door and it came off in her hands along with the handle. We were both perplexed. How in the world had all the screws come loose? We looked about for Katie and found her outside in the driveway trying to take the license plates off my car!
Sunday February 18, 2024
Lynn's Comments: My husband was a do-it-your-selfer, so we always had a good supply of tools around the house. One day I found my daughter undoing all the screws she could find. The following day, I caught her trying to take the license plate off the car. It was then that I realized she was going to be a handy person, too. We just had to wait until she was old enough to figure out how to put things together as well as take them apart!