leaf: Browse The Strips
Saturday, October 3, 1981
Wednesday, November 3, 1982
Friday, November 5, 1982
Saturday, November 5, 1983
Sunday, November 10, 1991
Monday, October 4, 1993
Saturday, September 5, 1998
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Lynn's Comments: I don't know what passes for the average allowance now. A buck a week was fine when Kate and Aaron were kids- they seemed to make do. As I recall, however, no matter what the folks decide to bestow.....it's never, ever enough!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Lynn's Comments: We had an enormous cherry tree in front of our house. One wouldn't think a tree could be so much work, but ours was. Dad pruned it, mom watered it, we treated it like the gift it was and after the blossoms fell, the cherries ripened, we had pies, preserves and fresh berries all from our own garden. The problem was, it dropped stuff. Like a pet, it had to be picked up after. How we resented raking the blossoms and the leaves, how we resented the litter of twigs and the caterpillars that had to be picked from its branches. The tree was not to be climbed and not to be punctured. It was a rival for our affections and sometimes, I think, rightfully so. Sad to say that a few weeks after my parents sold their house the new owners wanted less shade in the garden and cut the tree down. What we'd give now for the right to rake up the leaves and watch the cherries grow again!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Lynn's Comments: Fall in northern Manitoba was short and the few deciduous trees we had shed their leaves into the wind and blew them away. We didn't have to rake the yard in October, but we did need other things done. Our son was a big, healthy kid who could handle a rake or a broom, but putting such implements into willing hands was...challenging. Trying to convince Aaron that chores could be rewarding and fun was a chore in itself. No amount of coercion, reasoning or threat would move our boy into action. Money, however, talked. Each chore had a value. He would figure out how much he needed for a toy or game and accept the work that brought him closest to his goal. One Saturday morning when he was bored and looking for something to do, I suggested he vacuum the rug in the rec room. He thought for a minute, then said; "nah...I don't need anything right now." I had to admit; he might be lazy... but he was practical!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Lynn's Comments: This little one liner I used once before in a single panel cartoon, which I submitted to the Dundas Valley Journal. It was the first cartoon I had published in a newspaper.