letter: Browse The Strips
Thursday, July 24, 1980
Friday, December 6, 1985
Tuesday, April 29, 1986
Wednesday, April 30, 1986
Thursday, January 5, 1989
Wednesday, November 7, 1990
Thursday, November 8, 1990
Wednesday, November 14, 1990
Saturday, August 3, 1991
Tuesday, August 13, 1991
Monday, September 14, 1992
Monday, November 8, 1999
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, December 5, 2014
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Lynn's Comments: I was equally pleased to have my single panel cartoons accepted by our small local newspaper, "The Dundas Valley Journal." I was in my late 20s, a single mom, and at the time, working at a job I didn't enjoy. Seeing my cartoons published in a real paper with a real audience validated what I was doing and told me there was hope. I could see the possibility of making a living doing what I did best! In the FBorFW comic strips you see here, I substituted writing for drawing, but Elly is me--overwhelmed to see an open door in front of her--just waiting for her to go through.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Lynn's Comments: I think what I was trying to say here is that a lot of published poetry is without rhyme. The poetry I like best is that which incorporates rhythm and rhyme--much like the lyrics of a song. I was also trying to say that when you do see your work in print, out there for an audience to read and remark on, it looks entirely different. It has significance, it means more than it did when you first read it to yourself and decided it was good enough to share. The combination of fear, pride and exhilaration compels you to do more, and to do it better. That's how success begins.
Thursday January 4, 2018
Wednesday November 6, 2019
Thursday November 7, 2019
Lynn's Comments: Looking at this now, I wonder if I made the mailbox a bit too small!