paperwork: Browse The Strips

About This Strip:
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

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Portuguese Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Portuguese Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: , , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Portuguese Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Appearing: , , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Appearing: ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Danish Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Items: , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Danish Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Items: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Danish Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: , , ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Neat Stuff:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Items: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Appearing: , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Afrikaans Strip:

About This Strip:
Appearing: , ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Appearing: , , ,
In Books: ,
Daily or Sunday:
Items: , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lynn's Comments: In fact, my system, such as it was, worked for me. I was always in the black because I kept a slush fund- ready to transfer into my wavering account whenever it was getting close to the line. The encouraging thing about my method of keeping track of my accounts is- I know I'm far from being the only hit and Mrs. Style of manager!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-09-16
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lynn's Comments: The subject of money was not so sensitive to me as it was to a friend who felt she had to ask for handouts. I had a full time job, but she "earned" her income by working at home and the amount she spent was severely regulated by her husband who "gifted" her with clothing allowances and money for incidentals. I used her situation from time to time when money was an issue and Elly Patterson felt guilty for not "working".
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-09-17
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lynn's Comments: As a kid, I thought being grown up would be the best thing ever. I thought about the freedom I'd have ... and now that I've experienced many years of freedom... I wonder why I didn't enjoy more those years when somebody ELSE did all the work and all the worrying!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-09-24
Appearing: , , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1983-03-14
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1983-03-15
Appearing: , , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1990-12-10
Appearing: ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Wednesday December 11, 2019

Lynn's Comments: This series of strips resulted in more letters from men than most others I’ve written. Apparently, even when it’s running like a charm, the snowblower is one of the least favourite tools in the work shed!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1990-12-12
Appearing: ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Items: , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1991-03-09
Appearing: ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Items: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Appearing: , , ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Neat Stuff:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Tuesday December 29, 2020

Lynn's Comments: I couldn't resist this punch line. Word play made my strip almost impossible to translate into other languages. Foreign papers either had to make a direct translation or change the dialogue completely! The best translators were often cartoonists themselves!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1991-12-30
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Items: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1993-04-18
Appearing: , ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.

Wednesday February 28, 2024

Lynn's Comments: When I was Gordon's age, I needed a bit of financial help but didn't have the courage to ask for it. Just one small loan, just some confidence-building support and I'd have been able to keep my small advertising business going. In this series, I wanted to do for Gordon what I wished someone had done for me.
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1995-03-01
Appearing: , ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.