perfume bottle: Browse The Strips

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lynn's Comments: The taboo subject of weight was hardly ever brought up in our house. The question "do I look fat in this?" was incendiary. Even at my most svelte, I still considered myself sofa-sized. With a comic strip to get out and personal baggage to exploit therein, I often drew Elly large-nosed, slumped over and bottom heavy. It was OK to do this. As long as I was critical of myself, the household ambience remained stable. Should someone ELSE deliver the blow, however - even as a joke, I was instantly rushed back in time to my moody adolescence when image was everything and a full length mirror dangerous to one's health. When Rod saw this strip, he announced; "That's not funny!" Sometimes the truth is stronger than friction. Later, when I no longer used fanciful images of flying objects, I explained to curious readers that this was how I felt at the time, and not something I actually did! Now, at the ripening age of 63, I'm no longer as obsessed with my waistline as I was then. I've gone beyond wanting to look like one of those angular sylphs in the catalogues. I'm comfortable with the way I am. I'm at ease with the woman within. I'm able to look at myself objectively and positively with confidence and cool. But ...should anyone joke about my wrinkles... WATCH OUT!!!!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1982-02-07
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If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.