toque: Browse The Strips
Friday, February 1, 1980
Wednesday, March 4, 1981
Tuesday, December 1, 1981
Sunday, January 17, 1982
Sunday, January 22, 1984
Friday, January 25, 1985
Sunday, February 9, 1986
Friday, December 12, 1986
Monday, December 29, 1986
Wednesday, February 4, 1987
Wednesday, October 5, 1988
Thursday, November 9, 1989
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lynn's Comments: Because we lived in such a bitter climate, warm clothing was a necessity. Gloves in particular had to be worn and accounted for. It didn't take long for hands and faces to freeze as kids forgot the temperature when they played outside. My mom-in-law, Ruth, kept a supply of extra gloves and I did too. Kids who were not wearing gloves, for some reason, would go home with a warm pair from our house.
We lived halfway between the school and the end of town, so ours was the bathroom and the warming post for kids who needed to stop on the way home. I well remember trying to stuff rubbery, limp little fingers into tight gloves and from this I think the mitten was invented!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Lynn's Comments: Katie was an attractive little kid and I fell into the "momtrap" of wanting her to look as cute as possible at all times. I had the adorable outfits, the velvet dresses, hats, scarves and mittens that matched her "girlie" snowsuits. I combed her hair just so and awaited the gooey compliments that come while showing off a preened and perfect princess.
Kate, however wanted nothing to do with looking cute. Being comfortable was far more important. So was wearing what she darned well wanted to wear! She was determined and stubborn and it was abundantly clear by the time she was three, that what she wore would be a compromise. The red hat was actually a patterned toque and I would have drawn it that way, except that the pattern was too hard to draw and too hard to colour!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Lynn's Comments: I can't add anything to this punch line--other than to say that nothing has changed: the day I decide to get dressed late and to wear no makeup, is the day that all the delivery guys show up! This is something I hope a good iPhone application will someday eradicate.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Lynn's Comments: This is me. This is my teenage room, and my way of doing things. Some strips I did from memory, and with renewed respect for my mother.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
Lynn's Comments: It was hard to introduce a new character into the strip. I had to make a number of sketches: front, side, three quarters. I drew the character laughing, frowning, shouting, and calm--all in an attempt to keep him or her consistent whenever they were in a scene. I didn't always succeed. "Greg" changed from time to time, and readers would quickly tell me when I made errors.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Lynn's Comments: Chris is the son of Elly's neighbour, Annie. He was named for the son of a friend of mine and I thought he would play a larger role in the strip. It still amazes me how some characters would come to life and "talk to me," and some wouldn't--even though I wanted to get to know them!
Monday October 23, 2017
Thursday November 8, 2018
Monday February 11, 2019
Lynn's Comments: I found that some story lines needed a break; something that would return the focus to the family—giving us a fast "glimpse" into something else. These asides were often very sweet. They made me happy and gave both the readers and myself a rest from more serious ideas.