2017 01: Big Storm: Browse The Strips
Lynn's Comments: Our small, black Spaniel, Willy, never barked when a stranger came to the door. He would probably have welcomed an assailant on a dark street, but when the snowplow came up our long country drive, he became Superdog. He was a flea against an elephant; threatening the plow as it advanced and sure he had won when it backed away. He’d bark himself silly every time our driveway was cleared and it always made me laugh!
Monday January 16, 2017
Wednesday January 18, 2017
Thursday January 19, 2017
Lynn's Comments: It was a good thing that I worked from home because our second vehicle, for awhile, was totally useless. It was too cramped for kids, too small for groceries; I could never see the point in owning a sports car. But…I'm not a guy. Maybe you look good if you're "wearing" one.
Friday January 20, 2017
Saturday January 21, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Every first snowfall, I used to hit the ditch. Maybe it’s because I was used to driving fast on rough, flat surfaces and didn't have my winter reflexes. Whatever the reason, I would call our friend Gerry Voyer and ask him to pull me out. A couple of times, this happened on our country road and I'd walk to Gerry’s garage where he’d get out his truck and take me to the scene of the "accident." One winter’s day, I was taking a long stroll down MacPherson Drive when Gerry passed me in his truck. He stopped, rolled down his window and sighed. "OK," he said. "Where is it?" He thought I had hit the ditch again and was coming for help. It was then that I realized just how often I had run off the road!
Monday January 23, 2017
Tuesday January 24, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Maybe this is one of the reasons Canadians are so friendly!
Wednesday January 25, 2017
Thursday January 26, 2017
Friday January 27, 2017
Saturday January 28, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Here is when writing and drawing can take you away on an imaginary flight. You see others in turmoil as you fly over and around them in safety—trying to figure out what they are going to do next. I often wonder if, in reality, there is someone out there writing and orchestrating the comic strip I live in!
Monday January 30, 2017
Tuesday January 31, 2017
Wednesday February 1, 2017
Thursday February 2, 2017
Friday February 3, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Another salute to Gerry Voyer! Thanks for all the times you pulled me out of the ditch!
Saturday February 4, 2017
Lynn's Comments: I’ve always liked the word "hark." I don't think we use this, or "hasten," nearly enough.
Monday February 6, 2017
Lynn's Comments: This was an opportunity to make an important observation, I hoped, without sounding preachy. There are serious things a cartoonist wants to say; the challenge is in choosing the right time and the right way to say them.
Tuesday February 7, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Some of our best family times have been when the electricity was out. Not only did it make us creative and prepared, it gave us a break from sound. Until the appliances are off, we have no idea how much ambient sound we live with!
Wednesday February 8, 2017
Lynn's Comments: I remember going to school in the same clothes I slept in—simply because it was too cold in the house to change!
Thursday February 9, 2017
Friday February 10, 2017
Lynn's Comments: Moving to North Vancouver has given us a break from shoveling snow. Wet snow falls here, but few people shovel it because the rain will come and wash it away. The rain does come, but frost might come first. Dangerous and slippery sidewalks make going anywhere treacherous. Seaside living means bone-chilling cold. Long underwear (for me), is a necessity. You can't win in Canada!