Daily Archives: October 2, 2016

Sunday October 2, 2016

Lynn's Comments: What's fun about illustrations like this one is the obvious use of things used in the 80s. Here you see the old style telephone. With the move to BC from Ontario, I rid myself of the old landline phone and its spiral cord, and something familiar disappeared. I never thought about it being a relic until on a recent trip to New York. I stayed in an old hotel where the young concierge was struggling with a hopelessly twisted phone cord. I took the receiver from him, held the end of the cord closest to the phone, and let the receiver spin until the knots were out of it. The cord hung down perfectly. "How did you do that?!" he asked, surprised. I couldn't believe that a modern, technically savvy young man hadn't figured it out for himself. Oh, how times have changed!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1987-10-04
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