cubbyhole: Browse The Strips

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lynn's Comments: Aaron's grade two teacher in Lynn Lake told me that little kids felt good about seeing their classmates coats on the hooks outside their rooms because it meant that their friends were there. If a coat was missing, they noticed right away and were worried. Sheena had some wonderful observations about the kids in her charge and I said to her, "If you ever write a book, I'll illustrate it." Sheena Baker wrote, "There's A Worm in my Apple," which I did illustrate. It's out of print now, but it was a sweet and funny read. It was released in 1985 by Stoddart Publishing and the ISBN number is: 0-7737-5029-0. Maybe you can find it online somewhere. I still laugh when I read it!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1985-08-29
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If there's a non-English version of this strip available, it'll show up below. Or, you can browse our entire collection on this page.