Daily Archives: December 21, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lynn's Comments: Taking a gift to a favorite teacher was, for me, a significant gesture. I wasn't one to give a gift in order to be liked as much as it was a token of respect and affection. I've said before that I was not an easy kid to control and my teachers had to work hard to keep me in line. I think I remember every one of my elementary school teachers, as they played such a big role in my life. My second grade teacher Miss Campbell and I started out on the wrong foot. Envious of my brother's ability to "write his name in the snow", I convinced one of the boys in my class to pee in the rubber boots in the cloakroom, which he did. It's amazing what kids will do when told to - even by another kid! Anyway, I was held responsible along with the culprit and until the last day of the school year, Miss Campbell and I were at serious odds. Interesting, then, that I would be sad to the point of tears when we all had to say goodbye. I took her a card and a rose tea cup and saucer. It was an extra one of my Mom's and a pattern I particularly liked. I wondered if she'd sip her tea from it and think of me...and forgive me for having been such a thorn in her side!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-12-22
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