brush: Browse The Strips
Sunday, June 8, 1980
Monday, July 6, 1981
Tuesday, April 20, 1982
Wednesday, June 20, 1984
Sunday, September 30, 1984
Tuesday, October 2, 1984
Sunday, February 24, 1985
Friday, February 7, 1986
Monday, April 27, 1987
Thursday, April 21, 1988
Tuesday, November 7, 1989
Wednesday, November 8, 1989
Thursday, December 14, 1989
Thursday, June 21, 1990
Sunday, July 1, 1990
Friday, September 28, 1990
Sunday, June 30, 1991
Monday, October 11, 1993
Sunday, May 21, 1995
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Lynn's Comments: Aaron was too young to know what was happening and I had already given away poor Farley the dog (Farley was jealous of the baby and was beginning to get rough with him). My brother was coming to stay and I had to find space. My house was a tiny two bedroom bungalow with no basement, so the plan was for Alan to live in the garage. It wasn't a great space, but it was winterized and the doors could be boarded over. I moved my car outside, cleaned and organized and made the garage as habitable as possible. It was going to be an experiment and we both hoped it would work out well.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Lynn's Comments: After he was bathed and dried, it took another hour or more to comb out his fur and get him to look good again. The final touch was an elastic band in his hair to hold it away from his eyes. The ability to see, however, gave him a clear shot at the ravine behind our house or the nearest pile of stink he could roll in. I don't think he ever stayed clean for more than a day, but it was worth the effort just to have him smell good for a change!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Lynn's Comments: This strip makes me laugh, now. When I drew it, I was YOUNG. At this stage of my life, I have earned the right (and the wrinkles) to complain!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Lynn's Comments: My mom used to put my hair into what she called "bunches." She would pull my hair so tight, my eyes watered and the elastics made my head ache. When I had a daughter, I decided I wouldn't force anything like this on her, but I did want to learn how to do French braids. Kate wouldn't let me practice. No matter how I approached the subject, she was uninterested, until I offered to PAY her to let me braid her hair. Eventually this didn't work, and I gave up. I figured that I'd never see my girl with her thick, dark tresses in a hairstyle I loved. Until one day, she appeared with a perfect set of French braids, neatly tied together with a white bow. She had done them herself!
Friday, February 6, 2015
Lynn's Comments: Around this time, we did have a ceiling redone, and I marvelled at the artistry our man of the plaster was capable of. He had been doing this for over 30 years, and it was wonderful to watch him work. I have often admired the ease by which people pour cement, for example, or frame a window: cutting the wood to perfect lengths and fitting it into place with precision. So often we dismiss talent like this, but just try to do it yourself! It won't take long before you're wishing you'd made the right decision and called the guy with the skill!