shell: Browse The Strips

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Chinese Strip:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lynn's Comments: I did bring home a seashell from Barbados. It sits on my bathroom windowsill today as a reminder of the several trips we made to the same pretty hotel. I know it's a good shell because the edge is fine, transparent and slightly wavy. The man who sold it to me explained that conch shells are often too delicate to survive the recovery. They chip easily and the locals remove the roughness by filing away the edge of the shell, making it smooth and even. This one is perfect! I have several shells - and all of them have a story. Some are from Florida, some belonged to my grandmother and one of them I found when I was in my teens while walking along the beach at Deep Cove. Each one has a different sound when you listen and I've often thought it was a meaningful coincidence that shells are shaped like the human ear.
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1982-01-29
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