Tuesday November 12, 2019

Lynn's Comments: I once received a very nasty, angry letter from a woman who was objecting to a strip I had done. I looked up the strip and was surprised by her reaction. It was a very benign gag…nothing worthy of such a tirade. I wondered if she’d had a bad day and decided to take out her frustration on me! I replied to her letter, asked about this, and I also asked if she was feeling better now. Her reply in return was great fun. She had indeed had a very bad day and decided to vent her anger by writing to my syndicate. After she’d mailed the letter, she wished she had not! She asked the postman for the letter back and was told that, by law, it had to go into the system. She worried about the letter but thought it would just go to an editor and not to me personally. When she got my letter, she was horrified. She apologized profusely, thanked me for my letter, and we both had a good laugh over the whole thing. Exchanges like this connected me with readers in a very sensitive way. It made my relationship with them real, and obviously, lasting!

About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1990-11-13
Appearing: ,
In Books:
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