pillow: Browse The Strips

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Portuguese Strip:

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Portuguese Strip:

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Chinese Strip:

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Spanish Strip:

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About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-04-29
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About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-06-02
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lynn's Comments: My husband grew up enjoying warm back rubs as he went to sleep. When, for some reason, his mom could not, he would bribe his sister to rub his back and so it went. When we were first married, I continued the practice...but then...as life became more stressful the bedtime back rub disappeared. This was not a good thing. I was reminded from time to time that something was missing- and it was. My advice, then to other newly connected and consenting adults is: If you can't keep something up forever and ever and ever........don't start in the first place.
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1981-09-13
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lynn's Comments: This was my mother's argument. The suggestion that she and I had more efficient metaboli and were therefore able to retain more of the nutrients we consumed was supposed to make us feel OK about weight gain. My dad and my brother didn't have to think about this. They burned off everything they ate! We were fortunate, she said. If she and I were ever marooned on a desert island with a group of people and little food, we would outlive everyone who needed to eat more than we did. At the time, Gilligan's Island was a popular TV show, so this scenario was easy to imagine. The thought of my mother and I being the last survivors, however, made me less than grateful. We were two strong characters, always in competition, and this would have pit one of us against the other. If it came to "dog eat dog"... I'd rather have been the one on the skewer than the one doing the roasting!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1982-02-25
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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lynn's Comments: It doesn't bother me now. In fact, a mosquito in the room when I was married meant a 50% chance of being bitten and I could sleep quite comfortably. When I was a kid, however, the high-pitched whine of a hungry insect drove me nuts. I'd turn on the light and take whatever time it required to hunt it down and do it in. I considered myself to be an excellent sniper. I'd wait for however long it took for the prey to appear and SMACKKK!!! I won. I fairly ruled the summer night until my brother showed me an article that said, statistically, we eat at least 3 spiders in our lifetime - they crawl into our open mouths while sleeping. AAAAAUGH!!!!!!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1982-08-08
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lynn's Comments: This dialogue never took place. Neither did I hit the sack with my face dredged in wrinkle cream. I just took a line of thought, stretched it into whatever space it would fit, and came up with this. No wonder my in-laws would say "Why are you so mean to Elly and John"?
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1983-01-15
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About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1987-01-17
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Daily or Sunday:
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Foreign-Language Versions:

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Sunday October 9, 2016

Lynn's Comments: Another true story. The fact that this happened to me more than once suggests a rather startling lack of intuition. A night-light was installed around the same time as the offending male trained himself to kindly put down the seat.
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1987-10-11
Appearing: ,
Foreign-Language Versions:

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Friday April 28, 2017

Lynn's Comments: Six 10-12 year olds fit themselves into our basement with one more sharing the bunks in Aaron’s room. I was surprised by how many brought their own pillow. Each pillow was a treasured object not to be trifled with!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1988-04-28
Appearing: , , ,
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Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

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Saturday April 29, 2017

Lynn's Comments: We all hear complaints about young people; how disrespectful and inconsiderate, how noisy and unruly they can be. The kids who stayed with us for the hockey tournaments, however, were the easiest kids I'd ever had the pleasure to deal with! So the story running here was more about creating an interesting cartoon than it was about telling the truth!
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1988-04-29
Appearing: , , , , ,
In Books:
Daily or Sunday:
Foreign-Language Versions:

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Sunday August 6, 2017

Lynn's Comments: King-sized beds were invented for a reason. Our bedtime habits truly establish our tolerance threshold. If you are OK with your partner’s sack-time etiquette (or lack thereof)…then you might be destined for a long lasting relationship. If not, you are doomed. King-sized beds and separate bathrooms have been touted as saving graces. I wouldn't have dreamed of separate bathrooms until this luxury presented itself in my most recent living space. Yes…give me a home where the buffalo roam, but make the privy a two-holer!

The strip you see here was inspired by a friend of mine. He once complained to me about his wife’s ability to swipe all the blankets in her sleep: she would roll toward him, tucking the blanket under her side. Then she would clutch the top of the remaining blanket and roll the other way, pulling everything with her. He called it "The Russell roll." (Russell is her maiden name). I thought it would make a great strip…but this is how the muse made it turn out.
About This Strip:
Originally Run: 1988-08-07
Appearing: ,
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Daily or Sunday:
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Foreign-Language Versions:

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